Groups and Courses

John Wesley was a great advocate of small group study meetings, where Methodists were encouraged to help and support each other


Ongoing    Zoom morning prayer runs twice a week in the Circuit

In Bible Month throughout June as we focussed on the book of Genesis
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...”

Bible Month is an annual opportunity for the whole Methodist Connexion to focus on one particular book of the Bible together. This year, for the month of June, it was the book of Genesis - the starting point for all Christian understanding as we explored many of the foundational questions of life and faith

Wk1  Humans were created to share with God in the on-going work of creation in the world. We are charged with the care of our home-world - but don't seem to be doing a very good job of it. The Genesis stories reflect Man's repeated shortcomings (caused by self-centredness) which drive a wedge between us and God.  If we could only care as much about others as we care about ourselves .......

Wk2  God made a promise to Abram that his descendants would increase and flourish, but it did not happen at once - in fact there were so many delays and set-backs that doubts kept creeping in.  We all "want it now" and get frustrated and disheartened when things don't go the way we'd like.  Have Patience!  If you can.  Try!

Wk3  Trust in God is not an insurance policy against hard times coming, but having reliable Cover helps going through those times, and eases the burden along the way.

Wk4  The stories of Joseph and his brothers include all sorts of family interactions; their quarrels, jealousies and their abiding love.   All these tales, woven over years of retelling, remind us that people are the same in all times and places.  The situation changes with the culture, social norms and the surroundings, but their motivation and their reactions remain very similar.

The answer to frequent questions in the Safeguarding Training

  Sessions of Foundation Safeguarding can be arranged at any time through the Circuit Office.

  See  District and National Websites for training opportunities.

 LENT GROUP 24 Let Justice Flow

 The study addresses issues of social justice, which are present throughout the Old Testament Book of the prophet Amos. These issues are then situated within our current time through the report A Justice-seeking Church.  It is a response to our calling as Christians to explore what it means to act justly, love kindness and walk humbly with God which is seen as integral to a Methodist way of life. 


  See previous courses held in the Circuit


We look forward to meeting you
 Methodist Org UK

 Charity Number 1134888